2020-04-03T17:04:36+00:00April 3rd, 2020|News|

Hutesa heroes covid ingl

Without any doubt we are living an absolute exceptional situation, which never happened before and is caused by the coronavirus COVID 19. It even provoked the declaration of the general alarm status in our whole country. Being confronted with this situation, for us at HUTESA it is very clear that at this moment we have to make a big effort in order to continue supplying the markets at a time where it is so absolutely necessary to continue with our production.
Obvioulsy this effort has to be done by guaranteeing at the same time the security and protection of our staff – a priority for Hutesa Agroalimentaria S.A . Therefore we have taken all necessary measures of protection against the COVID 19 virus in order to assure the security and health of our workers. We established general action protocols, informed each worker individually about all the preventive measures and are supplying them with all necessary equipments for their individual protection. Beside this the temperature is taken on a daily basis of each and every person working at HUTESA.
All this allowed us to continue with our production activity with any risks for our workers and to continue with the supplys of the different markets at a time when it is so essential to guarantee the supplies to the population and final clients.